Save Sydney's Trees

Save Sydney's Trees

The NSW government is proposing a range of draft Regulations and Codes to support the introduction of the controversial Biodiversity reforms.

In response we urge you to make a submission detailing your concerns. To assist, we've set up a sample template to the right, which you can personalise as you wish.

In particular, we encourage you to consider the proposed offsetting arrangements, where trees become a ‘commodity’, with developers and authorities able to pay cash to fell trees. This will see thousands of trees lost each year, with significant social and environmental impacts.

With large parts of Sydney facing ...

The NSW government is proposing a range of draft Regulations and Codes to support the introduction of the controversial Biodiversity reforms.

In response we urge you to make a submission detailing your concerns. To assist, we've set up a sample template to the right, which you can personalise as you wish.

In particular, we encourage you to consider the proposed offsetting arrangements, where trees become a ‘commodity’, with developers and authorities able to pay cash to fell trees. This will see thousands of trees lost each year, with significant social and environmental impacts.

With large parts of Sydney facing major urban development, we need tighter regulations not less. Please take a few minutes to send off your ‘Submission’ now, then spread the word. 

To find out more, the EDO NSW has some great material available online:

To view the proposed Regulations and other material:



Make a Submission

The NSW government is proposing new Regulations and Codes that signficiantly change the way land clearing is assessed in urban and rural environments.  This includes allowing cash payments to fell trees.   In response, we encourage you to make a submission, noting your concerns.  You can do this quickly by using the pro-forma template below, which you can personalise. Then send your submission using the Submit button.   

Where do you live?

Compose your email

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If you would like your Submission to be confidential - please add this at the top of your Submission. It's also more effective to personalise your comments, so your 'submission' has more weight. Simply add a comment or two which emphasis your concerns.